Saturday, March 21, 2009

He is Leading Me Somewhere, I'm Just Trying to Follow

Thank you for everyone that has called or e-mailed me over the last few weeks. It has shown me even more how much I need to update everyone. So much has happened. Here is a "brief" summary:

Three weeks ago I returned from an amazing trip to Ecuador with Family Missions Company. I have to say that it was the best mission trip I have ever been on. I felt truly like a missionary and the nurse I have always wanted to be. I went with 14 other people, which included 2 doctors, 4 nurses, a nursing student, and Alajandro, our dear Ecuadorian friend who is also in med school. God really hand picked this team. The gifts that everyone shared made it such an amazing and powerful trip. In just 10 days we served in 17 villages around Masajilli, a village at the Amazon basin.

One of the things I realized in Ecuador is that I need a strong Catholic community to prepare myself for missions. So, in the week and a half after I returned from Ecuador, I applied for my Louisiana nursing license and to several hospitals, packed up my car, and headed to Lafayette, LA where Family Missions Company is based. It seems very drastic, but it came after many prayers, and I have a sense of peace about this decision. Family Missions Company has a 3 month long missionary formation (called Intake) starting this September. Moving to Lafayette will give me the chance to discern if this is what the Lord wants me to do.

After interviewing at 3 hospitals in Lafayette, I decided to work at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, a NPO Catholic hospital. I will be working days on a Medical-Surgical floor. Pray that I can wake up that early! I just started Orientation this week and I am already looking forward to working there. It is very faith-based and they even have an Adoration chapel!

Since I arrived (and most likely until the middle of May), I have been living with David and Vicki Fruge in their beautiful home just north of Lafayette. David went to Ecuador with me, and him and his wife so graciously opened up their home to me in this transition period. The Fruge's home is complete with a barn, several acres of land, a bayou, a dog, cats, ducks, and cows! Blue Steel (my bike) and I are very happy here. We have plenty of open roads to discover.

I have been so blessed here. It was quite difficult leaving Georgia where most of my friends and family are. However, I feel like I have gained multiple families here, and I love my new friends. Everyone is so welcoming and generous, and I love the Cajun culture here! So far I have tasted REAL gumbo and etoufee (by Chefs David & Vicki Fruge), broiled craw fish, and...a frog leg! Eww, but delicious, and I will NEVER eat it again. Also, these last 2 Sundays after Mass I have gone Cajun dancing. It's basically partner dancing with slow dances that are similar to a waltz and fast dances that have a bit of swing and a bit of something else mixed in. All I know is that it's a lot of fun.

Overall, I have to say that I am very happy here. Of course I miss everyone severely, SO that just means you all will have to come visit me. : ) If you are ever in the area (even in Houston or New Orleans), let me know. I would love to see you!

I didn't put many details in everything above, but just give me a call. I would love to talk to you about it. Please continue to pray that the Lord will make His plan for me clear, and I will do the same for you. Thank you everyone!


"And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more..."
~ Matthew 19:29


  1. Lizzie - it's so great to hear from you and know that you're doing well. It's inspiring to see someone truly giving up their plans to follow HIS :)

    I was thinking of Mellow Mushroom today and it made me miss you :( hahaha

    PS: Your buddy (Fr. EX) is sad you haven't called him...I told him he knows how to use a phone, too!

  2. just wanted to check out your blog! i think it's lacking one thing: PICTURES! other than that, great start! i'm adding you to our blog list!
